Thursday, November 19, 2009

Josh Onysko of Pangea Discusses the Importance of All-Natural Body Care Products

"Our skin is the largest organ on our body and 87 percent of what we put on our skin goes into our body. We don’t need chemicals to grow the ingredients we put in our products. They are sinking into ground water and getting into our food supply — we’re finding traces of herbicides, fungicides and fertilizers all over the world. By supporting organic agriculture, we’re supporting a greener future. Go home and start reading the ingredients on your personal care products. If you can pronounce everything on a product’s label, it’s close to natural.

The average American woman uses more than 150 chemicals on her skin a day. A lot of people think that the health and beauty industry is regulated, but of 100,000 ingredients, only 10 percent have been tested for safety and none has been tested for safety when combined with other ingredients. If you want something natural, you should be able to eat every ingredient on the label. If you can’t eat it, why would you put it on your body? Many people are racing to create natural and organic products, but not working to create truly efficacious products (to make an ingredient claim you only need to use 100th percent of an ingredient). There’s a lot of science, technology and experience that goes into making natural products. When nature is used properly, in the right amounts, it can have amazing effects."

Source: MSNBC Today. View complete article

Image: CEO of Pangea, Joshua Onysko

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